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Sponsorship Levels

Four Company Limit
Company logo on all printed material for the event
Company logo on the website with hyperlink to your Company website
Company literature will be given to all delegates at registration
Company logo will be displayed in the conference room
Company logo to appear on all advertising and literature in associated press in conjunction with the advertising and marketing of the event.    
Complimentary delegate tickets to the conference 10 4  
Discount on one of the further sponsorship items detailed below   50% 25%

sponsorship items token

Sponsorship Items

As a Premier Sponsor your company would be entitled to choose one(1) of the following included in the price of your sponsorship package.*

As a Gold Sponsor your company would be entitled to a 50% discount of one(1) of the items below.

As a Silver Sponsor, you qualify for a 25% discount on one(1) of the items below.

Each of these sponsorship opportunities can be bought separately, prices shown.

*this applies to all the options except for the Gala dinner, where there is an additional charge of €10,000.00 on top of the Premier or Gold sponsorship

Coffee Break Sponsor - €4,500

  • Two coffee breaks each day, morning and afternoon.
  • Unique signage boards will denote your sponsorship of these breaks.
  • Your logo and a ‘thank you’ card on all coffee tables.
  • Your Logo will be displayed in association with the Coffee Breaks on all literature and website.
  • Your Company logo will be placed on all event literature, marketing pieces and the AAPG and Event websites prior, during and following the event.

Lunch Sponsor - €6,000

  • Lunches are provided (and paid) for all delegates and attendees by the AAPG on each day of the event.
  • Signage boards at the lunch will denote your sponsorship of these excellent meals.
  • Your logo and a ‘thank you’ card on all lunch tables.
  • Your Company logo will be placed on all event literature, marketing pieces and the AAPG and Event websites prior, during and following the event.

Gala Dinner Sponsor - €25,000

With appropriate sponsorship, the Regional Conference could host a beautiful Gala Dinner where all delegates, speakers, committee members, and guests can come together for a relaxing evening of networking and socializing.

  • The Premier or Gold sponsor may choose to sponsor this Dinner however there is an additional cost of €10,000 on top of their existing Premier or Gold Sponsorship cost.
  • On the second evening there will be a Gala Dinner networking event
  • Your Company will have full recognition before during and after the Dinner.
  • An opportunity to make a speech during the evening.
  • Photographs, and pictures and after event publicity on the AAPG web site and in the Press
  • Music, entertainment and a specially chosen unique venue will ensure this is a memorable evening with your friends and colleagues from the Industry.

Conference Proceedings - €1,200

  • Your Company logo will be placed on the event FTP website for delegates to use to download presentations from the conference.
  • Your Company logo will be placed on all event literature, marketing pieces and the AAPG and Event websites prior, during and following the event.

Posters Sponsor - €2,000

  • An area is designated for the Poster display adjacent the Lunch area. The area will be open through the Event. Your name will be displayed throughout this area.
  • There will be no charge for student displays and a minimal charge for all other displays.
  • Your Company logo will be placed on all event literature, marketing pieces and the AAPG and Event websites prior, during and following the event.

Signage Sponsor - €2,500

  • Your Company logo will appear on all signage around the Show as the ‘signage sponsor’.
  • NB. On some signage yours maybe the only logo but on other more general signage there will be logos from other sponsoring Companies.
  • Your Company logo will be placed on all event literature, marketing pieces and the AAPG and Event websites prior, during and following the event.

Education Sponsor - €1,800

  • Your logo will appear on the main event signage and the official Programme as a Educational Sponsor.
  • Your Company logo will be placed on all event literature, marketing pieces and the AAPG and Event websites prior, during and following the event.
  • This sponsorship includes 6 student complimentary registrations to attend the full conference.

Field Trip - €4,500

  • Give your support to one of the Field Trips (being held before and after event)
  • Your company will have its logo present in all our promotional materials (including leaflets, printed program, website and newsletters, reaching all the AAPG membership and more)
  • Your logo and one advert will be printed in the Field Trip itinerary and have a prominent presence in the Field Trip registration website as well as in the Activities website of the conference.